Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Graphic Adventure) Getting Started NOTE: It is recommended that you first make backup copies of all disks and put the originals in a safe place. The disks are not copy protected, so to copy them just follow the instructions that came with your computer. You can play from either a hard disk drive or a floppy disk drive. From a floppy drive, insert Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Disk 1 in your disk drive (DF0:) and boot off this disk. Open the disk icon and double-click on the Indy icon (the Indy hat and whip). If your Amiga has at least one megabyte of RAM, you can play Indy using two drives. Leave Indy Disk 2 in your external drive (DF1:) and swap Disk 1 and Disk 3 in your internal drive as requested. ATTENTION 512K USERS: If you are using a 512K Amiga with external drives, please disconnect all external drives and boot off Indy Disk 1. Follow the instructions on the screen, and insert the other disks when prompted. To install Indy on a hard disk, first use your Workbench menu to create an empty file drawer called "Indy3". Without opening the "Indy3" drawer, insert Disk 1 into the drive, double-click on its icon, and drag both the Indy and Rooms icons into the new hard disk drawer. Insert Disk 2 into the drive, double-click on its icon, and drag its Rooms icon into the new hard disk drawer. Then insert Disk 3 into the drive, double-click on its icon, and drags its Rooms icon into the new hard disk drawer. (Note: If you open the hard disk drawer before moving the icons, take care not to drag the second and third Rooms icon on top of the first one) If you do so accidentally, simply delete the hard disk Rooms drawer and re-copy the Rooms icons from all three disks.) To load the game from your hard disk, open the "Indy3" hard disk drawer, and double-click on the Indy icon. Amiga Reference Card Mouse Control Use your mouse to move the cursor around. You may select any of the verbs or inventory items below by clicking on them with your left mouse button. You may use your right mouse button to override cut-scenes while playing the game. Keyboard Controls All of the verbs used in the game can also be selected by using keyboard commands. Each key corresponds to one verb. Pressing the appropriate key once is equivalent to moving the cursor over the verb and pushing the mouse button; pressing the key twice is the same as double-clicking on the verb. The keys are mapped according to the layout of the verbs on the screen: Q W E R T Push Open Walk to Use (Talk) A S D F G Pull Close Pick up Turn on (Travel) Z X C V B Give Look What is Turn off (To Henry/To Indy) The verbs on the far right (in parentheses) are not always available on the screen. See the game manual for more information about them. You can also select inventory items from the keyboard. On the screen you will see six items at most in the inventory list. Use the following keys to select one: Y U O Upper left item Upper right item Scroll list up H J L Middle left item Middle right item Scroll list down N M Lower left item Lower right item Function and Command Keys Save or Load a Game F5 (Only when the verbs are available) Bypass a Cut-Scene ESC or second mouse button Restart a Game F8 Pause the Game Space bar Message Line Speed: Faster > Slower < Sounds Off/On ALT s Exit Game ALT x Fighting Controls Use these keys to control Indy in a fight. See your game manual for further instruction. Indy is on the left | Indy is on the right | 7 8 9 | 7 8 9 | Step back Block high Punch high | Punch high Block high Step back | 4 5 6 | 4 5 6 | Step back Block middle Punch middle | Punch middle Block middle Step back | 1 2 3 | 1 2 3 | Step back Block low Punch low | Punch low Block low Step back Biplane Controls Indy escapes from Germany in a biplane after he has found Henry, his father. In the game you will control Indy as he flies the plane, while Henry tries to shoot down the enemy planes. Manoeuvre to keep away from the enemy to give Henry time to line up his shot. See your game manual for further instructions. 7 8 9 Fly to upper left Fly upwards Fly to upper right 4 5 6 Fly to left Fly straight Fly to right 1 2 3 Fly to lower left Fly down Fly to lower right Save/Load Instructions If you are playing from floppy disks, you will need to prepare a blank, formatted disk BEFORE you start to play. The disk will become your save/load disk. Hard disk players will have their games saved in the directory with the game files. Press F5 when you want to check your current Indy Quotient or save or load a game. If you are playing from floppy disks, you will be asked to insert your save/load game disk. Once the save/load game screen is displayed, you can move the cursor and click on either SAVE, LOAD, or PLAY. The SAVE option will not be available during the opening sequence or after Indy has failed in his quest. To SAVE: Click on the SAVE option. The current list of saved games will be displayed in slots along the left side of the screen. Select a slot by pointing the cursor at it and clicking. Now you will be able to type a new name for that slot or use the backspace key to change the existing name. Pressing ENTER will reactivate the cursor. Click the cursor on OK to save the game, or CANCEL if you have changed your mind and do not wish to save it. To LOAD: Click on the LOAD option. The current list of saved games will be displayed in slots along the left side of the screen. Select a slot by pointing the cursor to it and clicking. Move the cursor to OK to load the game, or CANCEL if you have changed your mind and do not wish to load it. Series IQ points will be updated each time you save or load a game. If you are playing from floppy disks, you can transfer Series points from one save/load game disk to another by loading a game from one floppy and saving it on a new one. To start fresh with a new set of Series points: If you are playing from a hard disk you must delete all save game files (all files named save game with different extensions). If you are playing from a floppy disk, just use a new formatted disk for your save/load game disk.